PVC Apron Light Weight PVCA

PVC Apron Light Weight

Worn for light duty work in the cleaning industry.

PVC Apron Medium Weight PVCAG

PVC Apron Medium Weight

A good all-purpose design for general lab and production work.


Blood & Fat Apron

Worn in the poultry and food industry.


Heavy duty PVC Apron

Medium to heavy duty chemical splash protection.

PVC Sleeves PVCS

PVC Sleeves

Worn in the hospital, laboratory, food and the poultry industry.

PVC Shoe Covers PVCSC

PVC Shoe Covers

Keeps shoes clean & free from transferring dirt.

PVC Rainsuit

PVC Rainsuit

Protects the body in wet weather conditions.

PVC Poncho

PVC Poncho

Protects the body in wet weather conditions.

Fisherman’s Suit RRSB

Fisherman’s Suit

For protection from extreme wet conditions.

Shaft Sinkers Suit SSHD

Shaft Sinkers Suit

Mines - underground in extremely harsh environments.

Rubberised Rainsuit RRS

Rubberised Rainsuit

Protects the body from wet weather conditions.

Rubberised Raincoat RRC

Rubberised Raincoat

Water-resistant protecting the body from wet weather conditions.

Chemical Suit PVCCS

Chemical Suit

Oil refineries, chemical manufacturing and handling hazardous materials.

Splash Hood PVCSH

Splash Hood

Protects the face, skin and eyes from any harmful chemical splashes.

Chemical Half Air Suit PVCCSHA

Chemical Half Air Suit

Used in petrochemical and chemical applications.

Chemical Airline Full Suit PVCCSA

Chemical Airline Full Suit

Worn in toxic spills & contaminated cleanups.

Reflective Bib REFV

Reflective Bib

Used for high levels of safety and visibility.

Reflective Bib Adjustable REFVB

Reflective Bib Adjustable

Used for high levels of safety and visibility.

Reflective Vest REFJE

Reflective Vest

Used at night, underground mining and for visibility for construction.

Reflective Vest Vented REFJ

Reflective Vest Vented

Used at night, underground mining and for visibility for construction.

Reflective Jacket REFFJ

Reflective Jacket

Used for high levels of safety and visibility.

Reflective Windbreaker WR010

Reflective Windbreaker

Achieve high levels of safety and visibility (Cold weather).

Reflective Belt Belt

Reflective Belt

Used for high levels of visibility.

Reflective Armband

Reflective Armband

Used for high levels of visibility and identification.

Traffic Jacket

Traffic Jacket

High levels of visibility for points men/traffic controllers.

Hi Vis Peak cap

Hi Vis Peak Cap

Low levels of visibility and identification.